Tag: Technology

It’s Going to be a Tough Re-boot

The other day I went to log-in to my Word app on my own iPad, and alas, I’d forgotten my work login. Worked away at it for a while, considering all different iterations of passwords I have used in the past. It was … just outside of my ability to remember it. I gave up and slept on it. Didn’t help. I texted my BFF who has come to the school to help me sort things on my own systems (and consequently had access to my password – ya, ya, bad practice, I know…) and she couldn’t remember it (no, seriously!). I then called the HelpDesk … and … I forgot the extension for the HelpDesk! They said that the system had been down and to re-try. Nope. Farted around some more and FINALLY found it by going through my computer’s stored passwords.


I’m going to have to scale back on the mojitos and nurse my tech brain back to health.