A Poem for Poetry Month!

really really really


It’s time to exit 

while still fresh 

I can go

so why not 

taught loads of kids

wiped lots of snot

gained a daughter

laughed a ton

made new friends

I feel I’ve won

June 14th come and DANCE IT OUT! Meet at the McDonnel Street Activity Centre at 7pm – dance till midnight with me, Ace & the Kid and all of my cool peeps. 


6 thoughts on “A Poem for Poetry Month!

  1. Wouldn’t miss it for the world! Yippee! Thanks so much for alligator-ing with me this morning!

  2. Wonderful wonderful! Love to come!
    Now we’ll have time for tepid tea and long walks….

  3. Woot woot indeed!!! We’ll be in Maine on the 14th but will definitely raise a glass to you – and to lots of good weekday times together next year and on!!! Congratulations on a stellar career!!! xoxo

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