Up for a Challenge – or Two

Yes well, it’s the time of year for challenges isn’t it? I have decided to take on two challenges. Both of them are things I know that I need to do, and I would be a better person if I did them! Of course will take up my time and I don’t have a lot of extra time! So, we shall see…

First. Revolution: 31 days of yoga  Yep. I am committed to doing yoga with Adriene every day for the month of January. I’ve done 4 days and I love it so far!

I got to know Adriene last year through my brother Ian. He’d been doing a variety of yoga classes on her YouTube channel and loved them, so I tried them out. Did them a lot in the summer, then things got busy and it fell by the wayside, as things often do. I highly recommend her videos – she’s playful and peaceful at the same time … plus her classes flow well. And she’s not irritating. Well… she talks a lot but that’s ok with me.

I think I can do this challenge before bed each night. Right after my glass of wine. Or maybe before…

My second challenge is a bit more playful. I saw it on my Facebook feed.

Annie is considering doing it with me, but isn’t sure about finding an author younger than her (15). lol

I’ve decided to start with a book I got for Christmas… but can’t decide on the best category for it … a book that will improve a specific area of my life? My ability to act like a kid and have a deep connection to stuffies?

Seriously, it’s the ONLY book I got for Christmas… how much does that suck? Anyway, I guess that’s not the way it’s supposed to be done – read a book that I want and then map it to the list. I suppose I’m to search for a book based on the list …

Alas, I’m not convinced of this challenge.

What challenges are you taking on? Dana, over at doingthedamnthang.com is onto the #cook90 challenge led by @epicurious. Now that’s a shitload of work if you ask me… Surely there are some more reasonable challenges out there!

12 thoughts on “Up for a Challenge – or Two

    1. Ok whoa. That’s hard core!!! I read an article about a family that went plastic free … and I recall the lots of challenges such as buying personal care items (shampoo, toothpaste), yoghurt & sour cream …. They ended up making a lot of those things on their own… How is Ceilidh tackling it?

  1. These look like great challenges! I have been doing yoga as well. You just feel so good afterward! I would love to join in the book challenge with you. I listen as I sew. It is always good to have a goal or direction. What link up is it? Fun fun!

    1. That particular challenge links back to http://www.hannahbraime.com There are several out there though, where it’s more of a community. It doesn’t seem like that one is a group thing (through her website, anyway). Goodreads has one too – and it seems to be a bit more interactive. Tons of people are taking part in that one.

  2. I have done some of Adriene’s YouTube sessions and I really enjoy her as well. I agree, playful yet a good flow and good instruction! Enjoy and good luck!

    1. Me too, Martina! I asked my Yoga girl in Listowel if she could recommend a website when we’re in AZ…and Adrienne is one of her favourites! Have been doing her practice since we’ve been here…fun, playful & it works for me!

  3. I wanna do the reading challenge!! I’ll be counting on you for book suggestions though!

    1. Alright Dana!! Annie is going to do it too. She’s joined Goodreads and is starting to make a list on there of all the books she’s read. She really loves to read, so it’s not a super hard challenge for her … but it puts her into a different kind of online community than she’s used to! Might up her reading game, I think!

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