Walk with Jan

We all have things that we aspire to do when we have time. Something that I’ve always wanted to do is to get involved with Hospice in some way – ideally as a volunteer. Going through this crappy cancer journey has reminded me of this goal, since one of the goals of Hospice is to help people who are dealing with a life threatening illness live their lives to the fullest. I’m doing that right now, although I don’t needs the services of Hospice – hallelujah x 1 million.   

The Organization

If you don’t know about what Hospice is, you’re not alone. A lot of people have no idea that this incredible organization exists, or if they do, they don’t really understand its purpose.

Generally speaking, when someone is dealing with a life threatening or terminal illness they need support. The family needs support. Hospice provides it. As people reach the end of their lives and are in palliative care, Hospice is invaluable.

Currently Hospice Peterborough is building a new facility on London street. It’s a huge endeavour. Here’s a quote from their website:

“The new London Street building will provide a welcoming, accessible space for Hospice Peterborough’s home support program, day program, caregiver support, grief programs, family support, wellness programming and administrative offices. The scope of Hospice is also expanding to include 10 private bedrooms, offering another choice for end of life care in the community and the first hospice care beds to exist in the City and County of Peterborough. This will complete Hospice’s transition to become a central hub for the delivery of hospice palliative care and grief support in our community.”

looking straight at the entrance
Building is underway!

The Pitch

So I’d like to ask a favour. Will you walk with me on May 6th to raise money for Hospice? It’s the day before my 53rd birthday. It would be the best birthday present ever! I will be in recovery from the chemo (although still having other regular non-chemo treatments) and I should be good to walk the suggested route (or most of it).

The Options

No walking – but can donate! Perfect. You likely live too far away, have small children or are too lazy. Haha!

You can donate by pledging to me that you will give me cash. Just let me know how much you can donate in a comment on this page, on Facie, by text or email, phone me, Insta, come over … OMG. Just let me know how much … then I’ll come after you!


You can donate by going to my team page on the Hike for Hospice website and clicking on “Donate”. There you’ll find a little ditty that I wrote. After you read it, you can donate something by clicking on the blue button. Easy peasy. (Or you could go to the Hike for Hospice website and search for my team, but that’s unnecessary.) 

OR…. Walk with me! Outta site!!! Now that would be so much fun …

Just go to my team page and rather than “donate”, click on “join team”. From there you choose the type of participant you want to be. You can just walk, add a donation, or you can set your own fundraising goal and then harass persuade some of your friends to give YOU money for Hospice. This way you can compete with me to see who can raise more money. (I am very competitive, just sayin’.) If you want to do that, just set a goal for fundraising, and make your own donation (I didn’t do this the first time and it took AGES to figure out how to donate, not just set a fundraising goal…)

The Final Comment

I don’t generally like to hit people up for money, but come on. I have cancer, it’s (going to be) my birthday, and Hospice is awesome. Please walk with me and / or make a small donation to a great organization!! 

xoxoxo J

bald head thank you
My bald head thanks you. And all of the other parts of my body do too, but my bald head is the most thankful for sure.

15 thoughts on “Walk with Jan

  1. My late wife Laurel and our extended family and friends benefited from Hospice at that difficult time – right around now – back in 2012. Located in the hospital at the time it was a place full of supportive people and sufficient material comforts to keep us sustained and connected. It is hard to describe how the environment and the ‘little things’ help everyone in that time of transition, supporting our efforts to find joy in the moments we had. The additional location will be fantastic!

    I’m a big supporter of Jan and her walk! Let’s Rock the Walk!

  2. Count us in to donate…I’ll check out the website. Just returning from Ecuador on the 5th, sorry, that we can’t join you. But will be there in spirit

    1. You’ll be exhausted from your volunteer mission in Ecuador even if you could make it! Thanks for donating though! Love you, Jxo

  3. I will be their with my team Boardwalk ( get it? We are the board members! )
    Thank you for choosing to help this awesome organization Janice! Once again you share your knowledge and help others learn about something they may or may not have known about.
    You and your team wilk have a blast on May 6th, a precursor to May 7th! 🎂

  4. I will unfortunately be away on the 6th, but will be thinking of you on your birthday and as you walk for a great cause! I will absolutely pledge to support you on your walk, my friend! Xo

    1. I wouldn’t miss this for the world!!
      Hospice, Jan, Birthday…end of Chemo today…100% in to support and celebrate!! XOXO

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