Feelings of Booblessness

It’s been a whirlwind getting to this state. 

Booblessness, staples, drains & nausea (and still smiling when I’m not bossing people around…)

September 14th was a routine mammogram, November 17th bi-lateral mastectomy … and all of the requisite appointments in between. It went like this… 

Routine mammogram, mag view mammogram, family doc appt to explain biopsy, biopsy, family doc appt to explain result of biopsy, surgeon, bloodwork, MRI, surgeon, surgeon, bloodwork, surgeon, surgery, recovery. All in 2 months. 

Lots of support along the way from Paul, my family, friends and staff, with helpful tips like this…

(I find that it always does.)

… and of course lots of chocolate, books, wine, knitting materials and tea. People know me. 

I only had to have the right breast off – as well as a sentinal node biopsy. I wanted the left breast off as well. It wasn’t having an “Angelina Jolie”, which everyone comments on me having – from friends to nurses to the anaesthesiologist. Her surgery was entirely preventative and she had reconstruction done at the same time. I wanted to have my left breast off purely for convenience. Sounds pretty vain, wanting to part with my own flesh because I’m too lazy to make a concerted effort every day to make the vacant space on the right look like the sagging boobie on the left. Truth. I didn’t want to have to put forth the effort involved to have a prosthetic boob handy in order to avoid putting anyone in a state of discomfort. I’d rather toss on a T-shirt when I want to. And put on a SET of IDENTICAL prosthestic breasts when I feel the need. 

So … here I am now. In recovery. Staples come out on day 10. After that I’ll be wearing this beauty that my loving sis got for me. I think it will be pretty much 24/7. 

This camisole is built specifically for people who have had a mastectomy – there are little slits for the fake tits to go in… but it also hugs in super tight. 

After the healing I’ll find out the results of the sentinal node biopsy. (That’s where they inject isotopes in to the nipple area just before surgery, then track the nodes that they go to and mark them with a sharpie. The surgeon removed those nodes during surgery and now they are off to the lab where they will be dissected and searched for cancer cells.) And after that, I’ll find out the results of the breast tissues. The data that comes back from the lab will inform the next steps of treatment. One step at a time. 

And in the meantime, I need to go fake boob shopping and Annie & Bree and I will be designing mastectomy tattoos … 


18 thoughts on “Feelings of Booblessness

  1. Thank you Jan, for letting us know. Kept thinking of you on Friday. I love your positive matter-of-fact attitude . You’re a good role model!
    Wanting your healing to be quick!

  2. Dear Janice,

    Ginny forwarded your blog with ‘whirlwind’ news of your past couple of very stressful months. Want to send you my best wishes and warmest thoughts for a speedy recovery. Having great support from all your family and friends plus your positive attitude will definitely help the healing process.

    With love, Mil

  3. So good to be post-op: Tick that one off.
    I love the way you are owning your beautiful strong body. Fabulous. It has served you well and will continue to do so. And isn’t it beautifully amazing how many people love you?!! That’s great healing energy just by itself.
    Hugs and kisses.

  4. Janice,

    I’m so sorry to hear this. You are a warrior and always take on life’s hurdles with a positive attitude. I’m sending hugs and prayers your way. I’m sure you will rock that camisole!
    💕 Pamela

  5. You are astounding. Sending love to all of you. Rest, okay. Boss people around. Do what heals you.

  6. You are such a source of light and strength. I admire your ability to always look at the glass half full. I too was thinking about you all day Friday, and I am happy to hear you are recovering well. One day at a time. Keep shining.

  7. J,
    I am so proud of you. You are truly amazing. You are an inspiration to everyone who reads this. We are with you every step of the way. I’m sending love and virtual, not too tight, hugs with this post. Speedy healing with lots of swearing, treats and bossing….xxoo

  8. Janice, you never cease to amaze me! You are always sharing another perspective which makes those around you THINK and ADMIRE!🤔. My mother had a mastectomy 31 years ago next month and she is the belle of the ball at 95 years young at her Senior’s complex🤗 Sending you warm hugs and hopefully you can keep your feet off the ground for a few weeks to speed your recovery❤️ Take Care xoxo

  9. Thinking of you. Your positive attitude and the love of your family and friends will make your recovery a speedy one.
    I know you will want to get back to your
    Colleagues and Students that gives you so much joy.

  10. Life’s path comprises many surprising circumstances… your “making it work” mantra is ever so helpful and positive. It really fits… just like that pretty camisole… Rock On Sis!

  11. Wow. Not the reason I would have guessed when we passed in the hall in a million years!!! Geesh Janice. What a couple of stressful months for sure. I hope you are not in too much pain and recover quickly. I’m a stone’s throw away should you need anything.

    Rest, eat, drink…repeat
    thinking of you


  12. As always your strength and sense of humor are greatly admired and inspirational. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. Lazy or not, you are more badass in my books than Angelia Jolie any day of the year. 😘

  13. Hey you. Thinking about all you are going through. I admire so much your strength and awesome attitude.

  14. I love your attitude and sense of humour. I think it is one of the main reasons I relate to you so well, Janice. <3
    In so many things, and now in cancer, you are a role model to all of us so keep posting and sharing. It lets us provide support but most importantly it let's YOU give to US. Chronicle everything in the blog and don't hold back on the lows. We all need to learn how to navigate them and this is your opportunity to help us.

    1. Thanks Jamie – I often wonder how much is “too much”? When do people begin to roll their eyes and say “really did she have to write about THAT?”. I really appreciate your opinion and I know that you are serious approx. once every 5 years and this might just be a time that you’re not shitting me. Jxo

  15. Janice…you are one strong, amazing gal! I love your reasoning for the double mastectomy and can see the benefits in so many ways! Sending light, love, and strength to you and your family, as you go through your recovery together! And know that your positive energy (and that of all your family & friends) will help you through this tough time! With our Love & Hugs, Rod & Vic xo

  16. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill

    Needless to say your attitude and sense of humour will “make a big difference”.


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